48ª Mostra Internacional de Cinema em São Paulo
From October 17 to 30, 2024, the traditional São Paulo International Film Festival took place. Over two weeks, the 48th edition of the event showcased 417 titles from 82 countries. The selection provided an overview of the latest in contemporary global cinema, while also highlighting new trends, themes, narratives, and aesthetics, and paying tribute to filmmakers and landmark productions in world cinematography.
Webcore contributed to the creation and development of the website, using the poster artwork by Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray as its foundation. The site features the festival's complete program, including detailed information about all films, directors, and programs, as well as additional supporting content for the audience.
The development stack includes Vue.js, NuxtJS, and a Node.js + Express backend.
Check out the website here: https://48.mostra.org